Sunday, May 11, 2014

Fwd: Dont open until Mothers Day

Heather Heggie

Begin forwarded message:

From: Jon Heggie <>
Date: May 10, 2014 at 8:57:43 PM PDT
To: Heather Heggie <>
Subject: Dont open until Mothers Day

As it is the night before Mothers day and I am not sure if I will be home I wanted to tell you what is on my heart.  You inspire me everyday in the way you manage to do all that you do.  Your daily actions are what is best for our kids with putting them and their happiness above your own wants and needs.  I could never imagined what a great wife and mother you would be and I am truly blessed that you are the glue of our family.  As our lives become more and more crazy and there never seams to be enough of you to go around I want you to know that I appreciate you for being such a wonderful mother and wife.  The things you do and the details that you are able to focus on are amazing and you should feel proud of the mother you have become.  The best day hands down of my whole life was the day we became man and wife but never in my wildest dreams could I predict how great our lives would be.  There is no way I could ever do all that you do and I don't tell you enough of how much I appreciate you.  You are a great Mom and even though it is hard to run from event to event your kids are better because of your relentless efforts to make them well rounded and a priority.  I thank God for you everyday and know my love and appreciation for you is more that I could express in words. I want you to know that if I can't be home tomorrow a day that celibrates you is what you deserve because you give so much of you and ask for very little in return.  Happy Mothers day to best wife and mom in the whole world. I love you ,Jon