Sunday, February 23, 2014

Memories & Highlights-BH 2014

Friends! ( long email ahead) 

Sunday March 9th 2pm 
Ski trip reunion-- Brian Head group -

BBQ --potluck style 
Swim eat play 
look at pictures and CHIT CHAT :-)

Please RSVP
House is small but we can try and squeeze!

Well, what a trip and what a car wash!!! πŸš—

Let's review the fun... Just because....

- 6:30am day 1 Starbucks and Paul P shorts and flip flops? Maui or ski trip?
-Caravan drive and clown hair plus clown nose comes out to friends- via Jon.. wife, so proud.
- In and Out burger- with ALL of Las Vegas population
-Lakes in Vegas- Baptistas at Bellagio- all on " red"
- Tanya Hall one hour Vegas flight- 18 hours later arrival
- Cedar City grocery- 14 gallons of milk purchased - who knew the Lucky Charms dessert demands/needs ahead?
- Apple Annie's arrival-- ok!
- Snow Cat and we meet Rolane plus our first 'Indiana Jones' ride--woo Hoo-
- Living Room meeting-$7000 rug
Romney's LOVE popcorn-- key take away?- "NO popcorn for you!" ( Soup Nazi voice from Seinfeld please)
-Pixie Stix anyone??? Love Heather
-Let's meet Rolane's wife- Paul P asks if she's his daughter- BH slip up #1
- Kids scramble for rooms/
Bloody Mary Mixologist takes position-- pool table lights up!
-Pasta night- spaghetti squash and " Where's Willy?? Altitude sickness begins for some plus some gas is passed 😲
-12:42 am Hall family arrives - ha ha 

-Jon biscuits and gravy and chef hat- gasX distributed also
-Coconut Bullet coffee discovered! SL...:-)
- Can we CHIT CHAT while eating choc chip pancakes???
-Raymond Heggie kale egg white mix ready 
-Coons 49 hours doing dishes :-(
-Coons how about that drive to ski resort? Tow anyone? Rolane!!!!!!
- Let's get ready to ski and spend 16 hours in line, renting equipment and watching a ski school find instructors outside the local Starbucks! Patience tested...:-)
- Eventually, ski school refunded... Real shock..
- Sophia! " you cannot break any bones this trip!"
-Summer wants to go night skiing...:-)
- Jacuzzi and fun- with snacks, at the lodge
- Carne Asada/Pollo Asada dinner and of course Mafia game--Phillips style is ON!
-Chit Chat card- Coons/Heggie-- if you could have one indulgence with out consequences what would you pick?"
HH : sourdough bread with butter
Coons: ask him his answer, seriously 
- Brownies made for the next night! 
-Tylenol PM distributed -Willy still down

-Swedish pancakes and powdered sugar more powdered sugar and cranberry/ butter mixture --ALL dreamy..
-Coons/ Heggie morning "chit chat"
-early kitchen devotion by HR
-cereal boxes opened and poured for the masses
-Snow Cat fun to resort and group sales pre paid lift tix has it's advantages finally!!! Lisa B you rock!
- Sauna and jacuzzi await
-parenting "triggers" discussed and "heavy breathing" starts  when sassy kids act sassy
-Sophia rests tailbone
- Mafia? Yes!
- soups and grilled cheese- gourmet croutons yummy...Brie fig and apples...divine 
- Lucky Charms - the dessert of champions
-Willy on couch πŸ˜”
-Advil PM discussed and distributed!

- Steel Cut oatmeal, eggs and Lucky Charms breakfast
-chapped lips anyone? 
-Coons /Heggie "chit chat" session
-Can you find my glove? My helmet? My goggles? Mud room mania!
-Are you wearing boots upstairs? Rolane!!!??
-Have you seen the explosion in the girls rooms? Do they have a bed? 
-Sleep walking and crazy dreams- lotto winners and space shuttle landings 
-American Girl dolls playing for 4 hours 
- snowball fight w little girls
-naps and rubics cubes
- life discussions and business ventures ahead...SL
- UNLV group rattles HH and Steve- groceries stacked at front door??? What the??? Rolane to the rescue! 
-Rolane shares again how HARD he has worked on these cabins ...
- Heather H distributes silly string and popcorn ( ha ha ) πŸ˜‰
- Jim shares amazing photos on TV slide show
- leftover dinner night 
-Willy back! πŸ‘
-Coffee and ------?
- Jon shaves
-Paul shaves 
-Olympics watching
-"Chocolate Thunder" plus orthodontics request on ice skating 
- "sleepy time tea"  plus " smooth move tea" 😬
-asking many kids to shower was like pulling teeth from rhinos
- did you know Rolane and wife not married???hmmmm

- we pack without joy but we packed πŸ˜”
- kitchen imposter found by HH-  a morning "stand off" and NO chit chat w her at ALL ( did I mention she had a smoke break???)
- coolers packed and left overs (aka cereal and donuts eaten)
-Out of plastic spoons-- how??
- cabins secured-Rolane worked so hard :-)
- Lakes leave for Vegas :-( 
- ski ski ski /terrain park and lots of FALLS on the last day- many kids!
-Baptistas leave for oxygen for W :-( 
-Advil distributed and bought 
- Pizza pizza pizza --Boy Scouts take over Brian Head --'Klondike patch' awaits
- " I cannot feel my nose"/ " We need pie" / "We need a tesla car" /" We don't need a tesla car" /" I like mini vans"
ha ha to all 😊
-S'mores stuff bought for "glamp-ing"
- Father of the Bride/Daddy Daycare movies-- boys vs girls - "cabin life"
- fire ring chit chat & picture taking 
-"nose is still numb" 

- "wheels rolling" next day --sad to leave :-( Starbucks Cedar City???) own bed does sound appealing though!

-Sleigh rides??
-Snow Cat fun?

Amazing trip, amazing laughs, amazing memories!
Thank you all for blessing us with your family! 
Love love love ❤️❤️❤️

Jon and Heather

Heather Heggie

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Fwd: Air fly's commercial 😊

Luke making a commercial for his little business at school- paper airplanes! 
So cute!

Heather Heggie

Begin forwarded message:

From: Michelle Hitchcock <>
Date: February 11, 2014 at 1:17:55 PM PST
Cc: Diahann Delgadillo <>
Subject: Air fly's commercial 😊

They are having so much fun!

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Bday dessert!

Birthday dessert'

Fancy bday dinner...

Sarah AG doll new outfit!

Sarah with real Batmobile

WB tour- Godzilla sounds in the background!

Great bday weekend ahead for Sarah and mom!

Sarah mom

Bday shopping- the Grove

Sarah at American Girl store!

Sarah American Girl Store!

Sarah birthdays lunch!

Sarah at Warner Brothers Studio!