Sunday, May 11, 2014

Fwd: Dont open until Mothers Day

Heather Heggie

Begin forwarded message:

From: Jon Heggie <>
Date: May 10, 2014 at 8:57:43 PM PDT
To: Heather Heggie <>
Subject: Dont open until Mothers Day

As it is the night before Mothers day and I am not sure if I will be home I wanted to tell you what is on my heart.  You inspire me everyday in the way you manage to do all that you do.  Your daily actions are what is best for our kids with putting them and their happiness above your own wants and needs.  I could never imagined what a great wife and mother you would be and I am truly blessed that you are the glue of our family.  As our lives become more and more crazy and there never seams to be enough of you to go around I want you to know that I appreciate you for being such a wonderful mother and wife.  The things you do and the details that you are able to focus on are amazing and you should feel proud of the mother you have become.  The best day hands down of my whole life was the day we became man and wife but never in my wildest dreams could I predict how great our lives would be.  There is no way I could ever do all that you do and I don't tell you enough of how much I appreciate you.  You are a great Mom and even though it is hard to run from event to event your kids are better because of your relentless efforts to make them well rounded and a priority.  I thank God for you everyday and know my love and appreciation for you is more that I could express in words. I want you to know that if I can't be home tomorrow a day that celibrates you is what you deserve because you give so much of you and ask for very little in return.  Happy Mothers day to best wife and mom in the whole world. I love you ,Jon

Friday, April 18, 2014

Luke starting the spirit run...

He ran 7 miles in one hour!
He's in red shorts

Hannah ran 4 miles
Sarah 3 miles!

Sunday, March 23, 2014

I asked our resident " hoarder" to clean...

Her room today and the result was her " trying to hide" a pile of Barbies and misc under the couch... And THEN...
She asked if I would buy her some toys for her hard work??!!!! Really???

Isn't that like feeding the addiction??

Good times with Hannah Joy....💖

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Sarah 6th grade science fair project!

Plus two 100% math test scores this week only one in her class and hardest subject for her! So proud!

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Memories & Highlights-BH 2014

Friends! ( long email ahead) 

Sunday March 9th 2pm 
Ski trip reunion-- Brian Head group -

BBQ --potluck style 
Swim eat play 
look at pictures and CHIT CHAT :-)

Please RSVP
House is small but we can try and squeeze!

Well, what a trip and what a car wash!!! 🚗

Let's review the fun... Just because....

- 6:30am day 1 Starbucks and Paul P shorts and flip flops? Maui or ski trip?
-Caravan drive and clown hair plus clown nose comes out to friends- via Jon.. wife, so proud.
- In and Out burger- with ALL of Las Vegas population
-Lakes in Vegas- Baptistas at Bellagio- all on " red"
- Tanya Hall one hour Vegas flight- 18 hours later arrival
- Cedar City grocery- 14 gallons of milk purchased - who knew the Lucky Charms dessert demands/needs ahead?
- Apple Annie's arrival-- ok!
- Snow Cat and we meet Rolane plus our first 'Indiana Jones' ride--woo Hoo-
- Living Room meeting-$7000 rug
Romney's LOVE popcorn-- key take away?- "NO popcorn for you!" ( Soup Nazi voice from Seinfeld please)
-Pixie Stix anyone??? Love Heather
-Let's meet Rolane's wife- Paul P asks if she's his daughter- BH slip up #1
- Kids scramble for rooms/
Bloody Mary Mixologist takes position-- pool table lights up!
-Pasta night- spaghetti squash and " Where's Willy?? Altitude sickness begins for some plus some gas is passed 😲
-12:42 am Hall family arrives - ha ha 

-Jon biscuits and gravy and chef hat- gasX distributed also
-Coconut Bullet coffee discovered! SL...:-)
- Can we CHIT CHAT while eating choc chip pancakes???
-Raymond Heggie kale egg white mix ready 
-Coons 49 hours doing dishes :-(
-Coons how about that drive to ski resort? Tow anyone? Rolane!!!!!!
- Let's get ready to ski and spend 16 hours in line, renting equipment and watching a ski school find instructors outside the local Starbucks! Patience tested...:-)
- Eventually, ski school refunded... Real shock..
- Sophia! " you cannot break any bones this trip!"
-Summer wants to go night skiing...:-)
- Jacuzzi and fun- with snacks, at the lodge
- Carne Asada/Pollo Asada dinner and of course Mafia game--Phillips style is ON!
-Chit Chat card- Coons/Heggie-- if you could have one indulgence with out consequences what would you pick?"
HH : sourdough bread with butter
Coons: ask him his answer, seriously 
- Brownies made for the next night! 
-Tylenol PM distributed -Willy still down

-Swedish pancakes and powdered sugar more powdered sugar and cranberry/ butter mixture --ALL dreamy..
-Coons/ Heggie morning "chit chat"
-early kitchen devotion by HR
-cereal boxes opened and poured for the masses
-Snow Cat fun to resort and group sales pre paid lift tix has it's advantages finally!!! Lisa B you rock!
- Sauna and jacuzzi await
-parenting "triggers" discussed and "heavy breathing" starts  when sassy kids act sassy
-Sophia rests tailbone
- Mafia? Yes!
- soups and grilled cheese- gourmet croutons yummy...Brie fig and apples...divine 
- Lucky Charms - the dessert of champions
-Willy on couch 😔
-Advil PM discussed and distributed!

- Steel Cut oatmeal, eggs and Lucky Charms breakfast
-chapped lips anyone? 
-Coons /Heggie "chit chat" session
-Can you find my glove? My helmet? My goggles? Mud room mania!
-Are you wearing boots upstairs? Rolane!!!??
-Have you seen the explosion in the girls rooms? Do they have a bed? 
-Sleep walking and crazy dreams- lotto winners and space shuttle landings 
-American Girl dolls playing for 4 hours 
- snowball fight w little girls
-naps and rubics cubes
- life discussions and business ventures ahead...SL
- UNLV group rattles HH and Steve- groceries stacked at front door??? What the??? Rolane to the rescue! 
-Rolane shares again how HARD he has worked on these cabins ...
- Heather H distributes silly string and popcorn ( ha ha ) 😉
- Jim shares amazing photos on TV slide show
- leftover dinner night 
-Willy back! 👏
-Coffee and ------?
- Jon shaves
-Paul shaves 
-Olympics watching
-"Chocolate Thunder" plus orthodontics request on ice skating 
- "sleepy time tea"  plus " smooth move tea" 😬
-asking many kids to shower was like pulling teeth from rhinos
- did you know Rolane and wife not married???hmmmm

- we pack without joy but we packed 😔
- kitchen imposter found by HH-  a morning "stand off" and NO chit chat w her at ALL ( did I mention she had a smoke break???)
- coolers packed and left overs (aka cereal and donuts eaten)
-Out of plastic spoons-- how??
- cabins secured-Rolane worked so hard :-)
- Lakes leave for Vegas :-( 
- ski ski ski /terrain park and lots of FALLS on the last day- many kids!
-Baptistas leave for oxygen for W :-( 
-Advil distributed and bought 
- Pizza pizza pizza --Boy Scouts take over Brian Head --'Klondike patch' awaits
- " I cannot feel my nose"/ " We need pie" / "We need a tesla car" /" We don't need a tesla car" /" I like mini vans"
ha ha to all 😊
-S'mores stuff bought for "glamp-ing"
- Father of the Bride/Daddy Daycare movies-- boys vs girls - "cabin life"
- fire ring chit chat & picture taking 
-"nose is still numb" 

- "wheels rolling" next day --sad to leave :-( Starbucks Cedar City???) own bed does sound appealing though!

-Sleigh rides??
-Snow Cat fun?

Amazing trip, amazing laughs, amazing memories!
Thank you all for blessing us with your family! 
Love love love ❤️❤️❤️

Jon and Heather

Heather Heggie

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Fwd: Air fly's commercial 😊

Luke making a commercial for his little business at school- paper airplanes! 
So cute!

Heather Heggie

Begin forwarded message:

From: Michelle Hitchcock <>
Date: February 11, 2014 at 1:17:55 PM PST
Cc: Diahann Delgadillo <>
Subject: Air fly's commercial 😊

They are having so much fun!