Sunday, January 27, 2013

Fwd: Have a blessed Sunday!

Heather Heggie

Begin forwarded message:

From: Heather Heggie <>
Date: January 27, 2013, 6:50:00 AM PST
To: Jon & Heather Heggie <>, Sarah Elliott <>, Teresa Stepanow <>, "" <>, Melissa Pedersen <>, Megan Blabac <>, Kristina Lockhart <>, Lisa Wilbor <>, Kara McGill <>, Cathy Towner <>, Shannon Grove <>, Jazmyn Chiarella <>, Jamie Gianni <>, Jennifer Phillips <>, joanna Coons <>, Shiloh Caffrey <>, Alyssa Jablonski <>, Kelly Whitton <>, Rey and Jennifer Vargas <>, Sally Nessman <>, Wendy Bonilla <>, Diane McCallum <>
Subject: Have a blessed Sunday!

Loved this-- had to share!

Fwd: Bible Study Encouragement- Week 3!!!

Heather Heggie

Begin forwarded message:

From: Heather Heggie <>
Date: January 27, 2013, 9:20:47 PM PST
To: Jon & Heather Heggie <>, Sarah Elliott <>, Teresa Stepanow <>, "" <>, Melissa Pedersen <>, Megan Blabac <>, Kristina Lockhart <>, Lisa Wilbor <>, Kara McGill <>, Cathy Towner <>, Shannon Grove <>, Jazmyn Chiarella <>, Jamie Gianni <>, Jennifer Phillips <>, joanna Coons <>, Shiloh Caffrey <>, Alyssa Jablonski <>, Kelly Whitton <>, Rey and Jennifer Vargas <>, Sally Nessman <>, Wendy Bonilla <>, Elena Antichevich <>, Stacie Sakal <>,, Lindsey Martinez <>, Catherine Stewart <>
Subject: Bible Study Encouragement- Week 3!!!

I like pretty things. I am a "girl" before I am a mom, wife, worker, friend, etc...I also love, outdoor eating, especially on beautifully decorated farmhouse tables. Cozy blankets for all and farm-to-table fresh food I easily make in my warm and inviting kitchen. My carefree children run safely through the fields while I put the finishing touches on my homemade rhubarb pie crust and smile at the joy of my family and the dinner we are about to share together.

I chuckle as I write this knowing, YES, I do love ALL those "desired things or ideas in my head" but they are clearly not my true reality. I know this too AND I DO love my current life.  BUT, for some reason, the farmhouse table life seems PRETTIER than my life--in a thousand different ways. But is it?

My life is messy. My life is crazy. My life is happy. My life is sad. My life is full. But, would I call my life "pretty?" 

Not really. But, my life is specifically purposed by Jesus. Whether I CHOOSE to fully-believe this or not is irrelevant. He is in control and I may trust and obey or I may try it on my own. Jesus knows my name.

Is Jesus MORE present at the farmhouse table while my kids are flying kites in the fields at sunset (or in my case scratching each other with sticks and starting a small fire with my lavender outdoor candles hanging from trees)??? Is Jesus and life BETTER on the farm-to-table dinners verses the Trader Joes Orange Chicken dinners? NO, NOT AT ALL!

Maybe, I just forget that MESSY is PRETTY to Jesus. Maybe when it's messy, I am on my knees more crying out to the Lord.  My Savior is beautiful, therefore I am beautiful. Wow!!! I don't need the table outside to make my life beautiful. It is gorgeous because my Father is writing the story. 

Cheers to Trader Joes alphabet cookies instead of homemade pie and wheat pizza dough in a bag. My messy life has been entrusted to me by God and it's beautiful AND pretty.

SO is YOURS sweet teachers and friends! ❤

Great first two weeks in the study ladies!! Woo Hoo! This week we are on 
John 11 pg 28-33 discussion questions!

Remember: Try to log onto the Horizon website and listen to the Women's Ministry speaker each week to coincide with your discussion questions. 

Challenge question of the week: Ask the Lord to help you Roll Away a stone WITH Him and face the thing in your life that stinks. What "stinks" in your life and what do you need to completely surrender to the Lord with absolute trust and faith?

Wed,11:30 Thursday 12:00noon or Friday 12:45 LUNCHES--join us in the cry room--feel free to come to any day that works best in your schedule. 

Don't forget! Continue to pray for one another each week! 

Love to you all...

Love this!