Saturday, October 6, 2012

It's weird how these boots left out normally actually annoy me but tonight knowing he's camping with Luke make me miss him IN the fireman boots and uniform.... Thank u God for softening my heart about silly things like boots tonight...I love you Jon Christopher!!!!

Luke and Daddy camping-- chocolate syrup smothered all over Jon for Indian Guides!! Boy boy boy stuff!!!

My precious kids-- with my time alone there is no place I would rather be than at the beach running and feeling, smelling and intentionally listening for dear Jesus to whisper to me in His perfect way. Only when alone and intentional do I seek the Lord with my whole heart. May you sweet children Sarah Luke and Hannah find your " sweet spot" with the Lord-- if you push it aside you rob Jesus of the joy He I tended to bring you- alone in His presence. My only wish or " goal" I have for all three of you is for you to have a personal relationship with the Lord in such a way it is your ONLY barometer for success and joy-- nothing else matters-- I promise( and swear on the bible!!) yes God's precious bible-

Nothing excites me more than going through my kids backpacks after they are in bed to find an overdue library book and it's A BibleTreasury- I do not take for granted that my kids get to choose this in their school library. ❤