Friday, May 11, 2012

Hannah's comments- had to share!!

Hannah and I were just snuggling and she randomly decided to tell me who she thought were the prettiest mommies she knows...( very Hannah)

And she named EACH of you and it made me smile...

I know vanity is not a focus or goal as moms and please don't mistake that I'm encouraging Hannah to think about these things-- simply, that she thought of it and told me this short list!! 😊

I had to share because even a 5 year old can make us 40 something's smile on a Friday afternoon!!

Have a great Mother's Day!!


Heather Heggie

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Fwd: Cuties

Gold rush day Sarah

Heather Heggie

Begin forwarded message:

From: Kelly Caponetto <>
Date: May 1, 2012 3:29:56 PM PDT
To: Wendy Olejnik Heit <>, "Natalie & Travis Christ" <>, "Heather & Jon Heggie" <>
Subject: Cuties

What a fun/exhausting day!

Sarah during Gold Rush Day at school today!!